As of July 29, 603 patients were in hospital treatment in Kosovo, of which 419 were diagnosed with COVID-19. Of these 419, in turn, 42 were in serious condition and 369 underwent oxygenotherapy. According to the Albanian news agency Telegrafi, more than a hundred patients with coronavirus are treated at the Pulmology Clinic at the Clinical Center of the University of Kosovo. Since part of the staff of the head of the clinic, 7 doctors, 14 nurses, one technical employee and two guards were also infected with coronavirus, doctors are currently experiencing overload. At the same time, pulmologists in the clinic were not enough even before the epidemic began. In addition, the clinic does not have enough places for patients. In order not to leave patients without treatment, they have to be placed in improvised beds in the corridor. Journalists note that the situation in Kosovo hospitals seems desperate and similar in severity to Italian. ...
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